Firstly we get hold of the 6DJ8 data sheet as follows:-
You can start by determine the max and min safe work condition, gain, Rp, rp, plotting the best loadline… etc.
BUT I WON'T!! I will reserve that for your self-amusement during your dreary hours…
Use the Data Sheets recommendations and get straight to it before the irrational impulse of building a tube preamp subsides.
From the #Page 1 of the Data Sheet we have
Filament voltage, Vf = 6.3V,
Filament Current, If = 365mA
From this, we calculate the power required by th filament Pf = Vf x If = 2.3W
#Now write down this on your shopping list, “ 6V, >2x365mA (1A is common),transformer”
At the end of #page 2, "maximum rating, absolute value"
Series grid Resistor = 1 megohm max
you will find "Typical Charateristics" and the followings
Plate Voltage, Vp = 90V, This is the voltage across the anode and cathode
negative grid voltage, Vg = 1.3V, this is be the Bias Voltage
Plate Current, Ip = 15mA, with triode, Ip= Ik, cathode current
Now some maths,
Find Rk, using Ohm's Law,
Rk = Vbias/Ik = 1.3/0.015 =87 ohm #
Determine B+,
We will use Isolation Transformer, In my part of the world, main power is 230V AC,
Using Isolation Transformer with a bridge will yield,
Raw B+= Sqrt(2) x 230 = 325V,
we will filter raw B+ to 300V
VLoad = 300V - Vp - Vbias = 300V - 90V - 1.3V = 208.7V #
RLoad = VLoad/Ip = 208.7V/15mA = 13,913 ohm we can choose 15K resistor.
Well after all this hard work, I need to get my regular coffee fix.... We'll continue on the next installment
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