Finger join is another of my favourite. Practical & aesthetically pleasing to my eye.
Picture tells a thousand word... let the pix talk...
I would love to post phot of this but I have yet figure out the way to make onject float in mid air...
use fishing line, it'd be nearly invisible. and the bottom (blue) piece could be set on glass. maybe on non-reflective glass with a white piece of board (craft, matt, poster board) beneath it. You can also easily create a "photo booth" with indirect/reflected light for photographing your work (if it's small enough).
use fishing line, it'd be nearly invisible. and the bottom (blue) piece could be set on glass. maybe on non-reflective glass with a white piece of board (craft, matt, poster board) beneath it. You can also easily create a "photo booth" with indirect/reflected light for photographing your work (if it's small enough).